On The Avenue: Hurricane Harvey Relief

This week On The Avenue, we teamed up with Woodard Bros (The awesome fulfillment and distributing company with whom we share our office) to pack over 1,500 HCA backpacks with supplies to aid the people in Houston who were devastated by Hurricane Harvey.
Harvey hit Houston last week and left destruction and loss in its wake. While the people of Houston begin the healing process, people all around the country are looking for ways they can help to rebuild the city and its people. When we got the call from HealthTrust asking if we would be able to help pack these bags for HCA responders to take with them to Houston we jumped at the opportunity to help.

We opened our warehouse doors on Wednesday to receive a massive amount of supplies and were ready for the task. With the quick turn around in mind and not wanting to waste anytime, we sent out the call to Woodmont Christian Church that we needed some extra hands and boy did they answer the call. The next day volunteers filled our warehouse and the packing process began. For the next 2 days, we all worked like a well oiled machine packing the HCA backpacks full of supplies including scrubs, flashlights, and hand sanitizer and then putting them all together to be shipped out to those in need. We listened to music, ate pizza and got to know each other while we worked. At the end of the day left the building with sore feet and the hopes that these packs could be of help to some of the storm’s victims.

When disasters like Harvey hit our nation, there are so many ways to help those in need, even if you’re halfway across the country. If you are looking for a way to contribute to the healing of Houston please visit


The biggest thank you to HCA, HeathTrust, Woodmont Christian and Woodard Bros for helping us accomplish this huge task this week. Check back here with me every week as I guide you down our crazy path here on the avenue, and have a blessed day.

-Sarah Lang

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